Complaining is a chronical disease

Some people spend their time complaining about random little things most other people don't care about. That hit me at work the other day. There are different kinds of complainers. For example, there's this one person who'll always talk about how unfair the situation is with her co-workers, how she's got to stay longer than the rest, how she can't take her days off when she wants because the one in charge of the schedule got some favourites and whatnot. Some points are valid, but why bother telling this to everyone but the one who could actually change the situation? Why get on everyone's nerves all the time and not change a little things about anything at all?
Then there's this woman always about how her health is failing her, how nothing goes right at her place with her husband and kids and basically how fucked up her life is. But going to the doctor won't ever cross her mind, she won't take a minute to tell her husband how far off the situation drifted or help her children understand what's right or wrong. And she only annoys the one person that has to spend all of her working days with her in a too small office.
Of course, I do complain too, about people not returning my calls, not responding to my text-messages, not commenting on my blog entries, feeling misunderstood in the place supposedly called home, feeling like I don't belong anywhere, about my emotional craving or my internet provider being too slow giving me access to a faster connection. But I also try to come around smiling and joking about things that bother me and I do try to work around with them (most of the time, but I admit there are some domains I lack distance to overlook the situations). That's when you see the woman who's being so annoyed by the health-challenged one come around and actually cherish the few seconds we talk to each other because it gives her a different view on things.
I won't claim to be better than the rest, but at least I try to make things easy on others, make them laugh for silly things or at least smile until they smile back. If everyone gave it a try, even for a short time, this place could be a nicer one to live in. As long as we remain sincere and honest about things, sometimes leave some problems away and enjoy the company of people who actually would care if you weren't such a damn nerve-racking loser.
And yes, I'm just complaining about people who complain. But I do tell those people it won't change the situation to only talk about things in a negative way.
Then there's this woman always about how her health is failing her, how nothing goes right at her place with her husband and kids and basically how fucked up her life is. But going to the doctor won't ever cross her mind, she won't take a minute to tell her husband how far off the situation drifted or help her children understand what's right or wrong. And she only annoys the one person that has to spend all of her working days with her in a too small office.
Of course, I do complain too, about people not returning my calls, not responding to my text-messages, not commenting on my blog entries, feeling misunderstood in the place supposedly called home, feeling like I don't belong anywhere, about my emotional craving or my internet provider being too slow giving me access to a faster connection. But I also try to come around smiling and joking about things that bother me and I do try to work around with them (most of the time, but I admit there are some domains I lack distance to overlook the situations). That's when you see the woman who's being so annoyed by the health-challenged one come around and actually cherish the few seconds we talk to each other because it gives her a different view on things.
I won't claim to be better than the rest, but at least I try to make things easy on others, make them laugh for silly things or at least smile until they smile back. If everyone gave it a try, even for a short time, this place could be a nicer one to live in. As long as we remain sincere and honest about things, sometimes leave some problems away and enjoy the company of people who actually would care if you weren't such a damn nerve-racking loser.
And yes, I'm just complaining about people who complain. But I do tell those people it won't change the situation to only talk about things in a negative way.
"maybe you don't like your job
maybe you didn't get enough sleep
well, nobody likes their job
nobody got enough sleep
maybe you just had
the worst day of your life
but, you know, there's no escape
and there's no excuse
so just suck up and be nice"
maybe you didn't get enough sleep
well, nobody likes their job
nobody got enough sleep
maybe you just had
the worst day of your life
but, you know, there's no escape
and there's no excuse
so just suck up and be nice"
[Ani DiFranco - Pixie]
You pick the best lyrics to go along with your entries.
They just happen to come to my mind as I'm writing the entry itself, actually.
While earlier in this blog adventure I used to start from a line I had heard or read.
I like the way it turned around.
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