Thursday, April 20, 2006

From needs to insomnia.

"sometimes I wish I could give you the things you need
but obviously I can't
and that's what makes me sad sometimes"
[my dearest friend aus .de]

Those lines popped up in a chat session yesterday and they actually kept on walking around my brain since then. I know how they were meant but it had me think. What is it that we really need?

> Air to breathe
> Water to keep up the 80%+ H2o level in our bodies
> Food to have the whole human body metabolism work properly
> Warmth, too

Is there really something else? Basically, no. But society makes it more complicated. Air is for free but you can't any of the rest if you don't have another resource called : money. That makes the world go round nowadays, like nature lost its power over the daily rotation of planet earth. But as wisemen always said it : money doesn't grow on trees, so to earn it, you need a job. Therefor you first need an education and a face that fits in the "standards" of the society. Or you need some good luck.

I won't let this go on to become a rant about society and how much I despise the whole capitalism issue. Because it's an endless thing, anyway. And somehow you can't live completely out of it.

Sometimes I wish life would come back down to something simple, like when you're a kid, you laugh at so many things easily, you learn basic knowledge, you don't really have to worry about what's next, what people will think about you or anything that makes adults so stressed and rushed all the time. The other day I was told : "you're not growing up, are you?", and honestly if I could drop all responsabilities now even just for one day, I'd do it. I feel like I never had a real childhood, as if I grew up so fast I jumped over life stages and unfortunately, there's no turning back.

"If I could have one wish I sure wish that
I had never grown up
I got a picture of the way I looked when I was three
I came out laughing, screaming, dancing
I used to be free spirited
now I'm just free of sleep..."
[Tegan and Sara - More For Me]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice post. And excellent lead-in to the More For Me quote.

7:52 PM  

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