February 14th.

I agree on the part about Valentine's day being invented by greeting card companies. That's what this day is all about anyway, along with chocolate boxes or flowers, restaurants as well, probably. Where's the love in that? There's nothing like a good surprise, a spontaneous invitation to go out or a little attention that brightens up the day of a significant other. It's all just predictable. And if you ever happen to forget the date, it's the biggest mistake ever. That's crap.
Love is about connection, it's about sharing. Of course this can happen on Valentine's day but why make a fuss out of it while it should also happen on every of the other 364 days of the year? Maybe it's just me. But if you have a significant other, you have to show you care each time you get the occasion to do so, not just the day you're expected to. If you need a special day to remember to be kind and sweet to your significant other, maybe they aren't that significant to you, after all.
Not having anyone to celebrate this with, it could be pointed out I may not be the best to talk about it. But I like to think about things even though I can't actually live them this very moment.
And to all the ones trying to show off the crazy original plans they have for this day as to prove they're better than anyone else, it doesn't get to me. I'll spend tonight on my own, in front of the computer, with the cellphone from work, ready to go back there anytime of the night. I don't feel bad about it, even.
Happy Valentine's to anyone reading this and celebrating it, though.
/me totally agrees with you !!!!!!
zoebix !
I wouldn't see it as a "giving big presents to each other" day either but being that cynical to think it's invented by the greeting card industry is kinda crazy as well. I just think it's a good occasion to make the significant other happy with little things that are for free, like you said. :)
Je suis d'accord avec toi à 100%! :)
"But if you have a significant other, you have to show you care each time you get the occasion to do so, not just the day you're expected to."
I absolutely agree! But then again, I'm single too, so what do I know?
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