
[photo: unknown source. sorry.]
Trust.I am part of those people who don't give their trust easily to new people. At least, I believe I am so. When I look back on my past experience, it may not be so, actually. What makes us actually trust people from the internet? I've always been told I shouldn't trust anyone on there because they are freaks or whatever. But I'm on there too, and am I a freak? Then yeah, I probably am one, as well. So why a freak couldn't put her trust on another freak? That's a twist, I admit. But let's face it, normal people happen to wander around on the net. Anyway, when someone tries to leave some of their feelings out on some chat session, there's a high chance I'll put them on perspective and actually try and believe what they're saying. That's trust. And that's what's supposed to be between friends, even e-friends. But lately I got the proof that some people don't have the same definition for friendship and when they asked my opinion about whatever subject, they had to have this information I gave checked to some other friend of mine they knew.
I'm probably blowing things out of proportions again, but I believe this is a proof that this person does not have any trust in my sayings, even when I'm straight down honest about my feelings or my opinions. Should I even try to prove what I said or simply let it be? Acting as I don't even know they questioned me may come as an option but that's being hypocritical and I'm forcing myself not to be that whenever I can avoid it.
So now the next question is : Have I been trusting some people too much? Somehow, I think so, but I can't define it for sure. I guess the idealist in me tends to take over the realistic one at times and blur my notions of good and bad and then I'm hooked. By the time I get to realize it (if ever), it's way too late already. Well, someday I might stop letting people use me and wear me out so freely and rebel against the whole process.
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