To blog or not to blog?

[my old keyboard, with faded letters on most keys]
Late 2005 made Blogger become bigger and a more appreciated place where to blog. So as I first registered to be able to comment on a friend's blog, I decided I may as well use the account for its first purpose. SilentBlurbs was born. A blog were I tend to type in some thoughts I have about anything, sometimes starting off from a quote, sometimes the quote comes after the whole reflection's over. It's like a journey through my troubled mind ["but who doesn't have a troubled mind, after all?" <- see, there's always at least one quote on these posts; this one being from a friend I quote all too often, I guess. But she's the one I talk to the most, it seems, so it makes sense]. The whole path from an idea to another may seem hectic or strange, but that's the way things happen in my head. Since blogger is so easy to use and to customize [freedom for that matter is very enjoyable! Especially for an amateur webmaster like I] I kept on the reflection onto what else to blog about. Music came to mind. Because it's what makes me find the strength to get up in the mornings. Knowing there'll be some nice sounds to play, meaningful lyrics I wish I had written, melodies to move my feet or my mind, touch my head and simply make me feel alive. And since music has always been about sharing [at least, to me] I intend to make this blog a community-like thing. It's only starting for now but everyone's welcome, a good music taste is required, but we can only judge from that once you've posted something, I guess. If you're randomly interested in music, you can bookmark the URL : Of Genius Sounds, wait for it to really start and then add your suggestions to the thing.
And you, why do YOU blog?
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